Best Things To Do In Granada At Christmas

Granada dresses up to celebrate the arrival of Christmas. In this article I will tell you everything this city has to offer during this special time of the year.

Nicolas Reffray

Nicolas Reffray

7 min read

Best Things To Do In Granada At Christmas

Christmas in Granada | ©Pau

The city of Granada lives Christmas in style. Its historic quarter is filled with lights and displays the most beautiful and original nativity scenes, as well as its typical street market, where you can buy all kinds of toys and handmade products, and taste the most delicious turrones and mantecados. If you want to find out what to see and do in Granada, this article is for you.

It's not just tourists who love this city, but also the Three Wise Men themselves, who ride through the centre in their imposing floats and have an official envoy at the Town Hall to collect their mail.

1. Stroll through the Alhambra in the winter light

The Alhambra by night| ©wingpix
The Alhambra by night| ©wingpix

If you are in Granada, no matter when, you cannot miss one of the most important monuments of the city: the inexhaustible Alhambra. At Christmas and Epiphany time the general atmosphere becomes much more emotional.

However, at this time of year there are more tourists in the city, so I recommend you book a guided tour of the Alhambra by night, as it is a less popular pass.

However, I also recommend you book it well in advance to avoid the risk of running out of tickets.

Book a night-time guided tour of the Alhambra

2. Enjoy a flamenco Christmas experience

Sacromonte Caves| ©Pia M
Sacromonte Caves| ©Pia M

Flamenco is part of Andalusia's identity. This expression and way of life is present at all times in Granada, even during Christmas.

In fact, during the Christmas period you can witness the best flamenco shows of the whole year, as in addition to the usual shows, panderetas and zambombas are performed and traditional Christmas carols are sung.

One of the main places where you can enjoy these celebrations is the Auditorio Municipal Enrique Morente La Chumbera. What are you waiting for to book a Flamenco show in Granada for Christmas?

Book your ticket for a Flamenco show

3. Visit the Christmas Market

Plaza Bib-Rambla Christmas Market| ©Study Abroad
Plaza Bib-Rambla Christmas Market| ©Study Abroad

Without a doubt, this is one of the best things to do in Granada with children. This market takes place in two very important squares in Granada: Plaza Bib-Rambla and the Fuente de las Batallas.

Both are filled with artisans offering their Christmas-inspired works. In addition, you can find beautiful Christmas decorations, figures for your Nativity Scene, sweets and sweets typical of the season, and much more.

In this event there are also children's shows and artistic performances for the whole family to enjoy, classic Christmas carols are sung and there is an ecological carousel, a classic merry-go-round with fourteen wooden figures that is environmentally friendly.

Book a private tour of Granada

4. Tour the Nativity scenes and lights of the city centre

Typical Nativity Scenes of Granada| ©Micheo
Typical Nativity Scenes of Granada| ©Micheo

In this time of peace and hope you cannot miss the so-called Route of the Nativity Scenes, where different shops and institutions of all kinds (most of them in the centre) set up their Nativity Scenes during these days.

You will be surprised by the creativity of the nativity scene designs, which range from the most classic to versions with a touch of humour. In connection with this exhibition, the Granada Nativity Scene Competition is held, in which all the city's nativity scenes take part.

In addition, the streets of the centre of Granada, such as Puentezuelas, Alhóndiga, Gran Vía and Mesones, are completely illuminated for this celebration. If you decide to take a night walk, you will be able to enjoy this picturesque decoration full of charm.

Book a private tour of Granada

5. Hand-deliver your Epiphany letter

Granada City Hall at Christmas time| ©Mari Fernández
Granada City Hall at Christmas time| ©Mari Fernández

The Three Wise Men's Day is a much awaited event for children since the Christmas preparations begin, and the city of Granada has something very special for this date.

From mid-December you will be able to meet the Royal Postman himself in the courtyard of the Granada Town Hall and leave your letter for the Three Wise Men, and he will deliver it in person. And the kids can even have their photo taken with him

As is well known, all children are very excited about preparing their letters for the Three Wise Men, and having the chance to hand deliver them makes you think that Melchior, Gaspar and Baltazar have a certain predilection for Granada. Ah! And in the Town Hall you can also see the Nativity Scene that is set up there every year.

6. Don't miss the Three Wise Men Parade

Three Kings Parade| ©RaMaOrLi
Three Kings Parade| ©RaMaOrLi

This is another event in which the Three Wise Men make their presence felt in the city of Granada. On the 5th of January, their Majesties from the East depart in a royal caravan from Gran Capitán, ending their journey at the Town Hall, in the Plaza del Carmen.

Melchor, Gaspar and Baltazar, along with their queens and their entire entourage, ride through the city in their floats as they greet the public and hand out sweets to the little ones. This spectacle stands out for its charming floats full of colour, lights and lively music that accompanies the parade.

In case you didn't know, the Three Kings parade in Granada is the oldest in Spain, the first one was held in 1912, promoted by the city's Artistic Centre. It is enjoyed by children and adults alike.

7. Have the 12 grapes in the Plaza del Carmen

Christmas in Plaza del Carmen| ©JTVfoto
Christmas in Plaza del Carmen| ©JTVfoto

The Plaza del Carmen is located in the epicentre of the city and is the scene of various festivities. On the last day of the year, hundreds of locals and tourists gather in this part of the city to welcome the new year by eating the grapes at midnight.

Around 11pm, bags of grapes and confetti are handed out to all the locals and tourists present in the square to celebrate the arrival of the new year. After the classic midnight chimes, the sky lights up with a fireworks display.

In the meantime, an orchestra delights everyone with its music until almost 2 am. After that, if you want to continue partying, there are plenty of pubs, bars and clubs to keep the party going until dawn.

Don't miss your New Year's Eve dinner before grapes

If you're wondering if you'll be able to find a place for your New Year's Eve dinner, the answer is yes. Although tradition dictates that families get together for dinner, luckily in Granada you can make a reservation at one of the city's restaurants that stay open that night.

This type of New Year's Eve dinner usually includes a special musical or comedy show.

You can dine in the heart of the Albaicín district, just a few metres from the Mirador San Nicolás, at the Carmen de Aben Humeya restaurant. With a varied menu of Granadian dishes from 60 Euros. Ideal to spend an incredible night in the most traditional quarter of Granada, don't you think?

Book a private tour of Granada

8. Warm up with a chocolate with churros (fritters)

Chocolate and Churros| ©Brian Snelson
Chocolate and Churros| ©Brian Snelson

The Christmas season in Granada is usually quite cold. That's why, after all that walking and sightseeing, it's perfect to find a place to stop and rest for a moment and recharge your batteries.

A Granada classic to raise your body temperature and give yourself a treat is the delicious chocolate with churros. There are two very popular places in Granada that stand out for their chocolate with churros:

  • La Alhambra Cafeteria: located in Plaza Bib-Rambla and surrounded by an excellent environment and with an outdoor terrace that makes the experience that much more special.
  • Café Futbol: founded in 1922, it is located in the Plaza de Mariana Pineda and throughout its history has earned a well-deserved reputation.

Nicolas's Traveller Tip

Keep in mind that these places tend to be crowded, especially at this time of year, so I recommend you be patient. I assure you that you won't regret it.

9. Buy convent sweets

Convent sweets| ©Ofer Deshe
Convent sweets| ©Ofer Deshe

One of the oldest and most beautiful traditions of Christmas is to buy the sweets offered in monasteries at this time of year. You can easily come across them, as they are mostly located in the city centre and very close to each other.

In the convents and monasteries, the nuns get down to work to offer the most delicious typical Christmas sweets. The handmade products produced in the convents have always been characterised by their exquisite flavour, the high quality of their ingredients and the care with which they are made.

The variety of Christmas sweets that can be bought in the convents is truly extensive, from almond mantecados, aniseed doughnuts and coconut balls, to chestnuts or marzipan eels and perrunillas, among many other exquisite options.

Some convents where you can buy your sweets

  • The Santísimo Corpus Christi Monastery
  • The Convent of Zafra
  • The Monastery of El Carmen
  • The Monastery of San José
  • The Convent of the Comendadoras of Santiago

Book a private tour of Granada

10. Attend classical Christmas concerts

Granada City Orchestra| ©Landa
Granada City Orchestra| ©Landa

Every year, the city organises a series of musical events for Christmas, ranging from classical music to more modern genres. But what you can never miss are the Christmas carols. Here are some of the most typical concerts:

  • The Orquesta Ciudad de Granada which every year performs its now typical concert of carols of the world.
  • The participatory Messiah.
  • The New Year's Concert.

All these shows are traditionally held in the Manuel de Falla Auditorium.

Book a private tour of Granada

What should I pack to visit Granada for Christmas?

Luggage| ©Craig Adderley
Luggage| ©Craig Adderley

Temperatures in Granada at this time of year hover around 15 degrees Celsius during the day, dropping to 4 or 5 degrees at night, so it wouldn't hurt to pack a light coat, a sweater and a jacket. If you're very cold, though, you'll need a warmer jacket.